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US Data: Merchandise Trade, Exports, Adjusted -1-

In millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

Release for: November 2004

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce


             Item                         Nov-04       Oct-04    Change


Total, Balance of Payments Basis          66,546       69,180    -2,633

Net Adjustments                             -921         -948        27

Total, Census Basis                       67,467       70,128    -2,660

Foods, feeds, and beverages                4,667        4,747       -80

Other foods                                  416          470       -53

Fruits,  frozen juices                       372          400       -28

Soybeans                                     621          643       -21

Vegetables                                   271          288       -17

Fish and shellfish                           323          337       -13

Wine and related products                     87           97       -10

Sorghum, barley, oats                         40           49        -9

Bakery products                              195          201        -7

Dairy products and eggs                      109          112        -3

Nonagricultural foods, etc.                   90           90       (-)

Rice                                          96           95         1

Wheat                                        332          329         3

Nuts                                         197          194         3

Alcoholic beverages, excluding wine           72           69         3

Corn                                         498          491         7

Oilseeds, food oils                          130          119        12

Meat, poultry, etc.                          541          521        20

Animal feeds, n.e.c.                         276          242        34

Industrial supplies and materials         17,131       17,923      -792

Gas-natural                                   82          210      -128

Fuel oil                                     345          464      -119

Chemicals-other                            1,246        1,357      -110

Other industrial supplies                  1,076        1,150       -74

Nonferrous metals, other                     260          328       -68

Tobacco, unmanufactured                       80          137       -57

Newsprint                                    744          797       -53

Finished metal shapes                        804          856       -52

Mineral supplies-manufactured                283          330       -47

Nonmonetary gold                             383          429       -45

Cotton, raw                                  236          281       -45

Iron and steel products, other               298          337       -39

Plastic materials                          1,852        1,889       -37

Metallurgical grade coal                      97          126       -28

Coal and fuels, other                         71           94       -22

Manmade cloth                                444          467       -22

Cotton fiber cloth                           261          283       -22

Iron and steel mill products                 454          475       -22

Finished textile supplies                    183          205       -21

Aluminum and alumina                         341          361       -20

Chemicals-fertilizers                        395          411       -17

Industrial rubber products                   195          212       -17

Shingles, molding, wallboard                 173          189       -16

Copper                                       155          169       -15

Agriculture-manufactured, other              119          133       -13

Tapes, audio and visual                      124          137       -13

Agric. industry-unmanufactured               112          120        -8

Leather and furs                              95          103        -7

Glass-plate, sheet, etc.                      73           80        -7

Precious metals, other                       235          242        -6

Nonmetallic minerals                          37           43        -6

Natural gas liquids                           60           63        -3

Nontextile floor tiles                        26           28        -3

Crude oil                                     35           38        -3

Hair, waste materials                         42           44        -2

Logs and lumber                              360          361        -1

Wood supplies, manufactured                   86           85         1

Hides and skins                              146          144         3

Synthetic rubber-primary                     193          189         4

Pulpwood and woodpulp                        384          376         8

Electric energy                               60           51         9

Steelmaking materials                        406          395        11

Agric. farming-unmanufactured                162          132        30

Chemicals-inorganic                          420          381        39

Chemicals-organic                          2,132        2,076        56

Petroleum products, other                  1,124        1,042        82

Nuclear fuel materials                       238          105       133








US Data: Merchandise Trade, Exports, Adjusted -2-

In millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

Release for: November 2004

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce


             Item                         Nov-04       Oct-04     Change


Capital goods, except automotive          26,648       28,067     -1,419

Drilling & oilfield equipment                569          793       -224

Civilian aircraft                          1,912        2,088       -176

Engines-civilian aircraft                  1,080        1,228       -149

Telecommunications equipment               1,846        1,984       -138

Metalworking machine tools                   504          639       -136

Measuring, testing, control instruments    1,269        1,396       -127

Computer accessories                       2,708        2,792        -83

Excavating machinery                         543          626        -83

Industrial machines, other                 2,254        2,334        -80

Photo, service industry machinery            515          575        -59

Computers                                    732          775        -43

Agricultural machinery, equipment            342          382        -41

Industrial engines                         1,020        1,055        -36

Semiconductors                             3,842        3,873        -31

Food, tobacco machinery                      149          175        -26

Laboratory testing instruments               496          513        -18

Wood, glass, plastic                         250          266        -17

Railway transportation equipment             149       &n

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